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30 November 2008

GeForce 9600GSO vs 9600GT: Benchmark Scores

GeForce 9600GSO vs 9600GT: Benchmark Result

Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Specifications Compared
Page 3: Test Platform
Page 4: Benchmark Scores

Test Resolution 9600GSO 768MB 9600GT 512MB % difference
3DMark06 v1.1.0 1024x768 11353 10910 4.1%

fps (average)
Lost Planet DX10 1280x1024 32.2 30.3 6.3%
Crysis v1.1 1280x1024 31.1 29.8 4.4%
Call of Duty 4 DX10 1280x1024 87.6 80 9.5%
Call of Juarez 1280x1024 36 32.3 11.5%
UT3 demo 1280x1024 148 134 10.4%

The 9600GSO beats 9600GT in every benchmark, an average of 6.6%!

Highlight: How to Softmod 9600GSO into 8800GTS

Despite having the advantage of an optimized G94 core with higher clocks and memory bandwidth, the 9600GT with 32 shaders less lost to the re-branded 9600GSO.

Do note that the market is flooded different flavors, result would be very different between 9600GSO of 192MB vs 384MB vs 768MB (even 1536MB), on top of different factory overclocks. Its a pity that we cannot possibly test our every version out there. Prices varies widely as well, so do take clocks, memory size, output types, warranty duration, package contents into your purchase consideration.

Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Specifications Compared
Page 3: Test Platform
Page 4: Benchmark Scores

Source: SanHaoStreet

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Anonymous said...

In the spesification page it says that the 9600 GSO card is 384MB, but in the results it suddenly turns into 768MB. So what card did you actually use?

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