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21 January 2008

West Coast Outing

My phone's half spoilt for some reason, LCD sometimes ok sometimes blank out, secondary camera kept showing "hardware failure".. I guess the ribbon is worn out or something...

Seb, is it working fine now?

Are you sure we are on the right bus??

We had mac for lunch & guess who made this mess?

You got it right! She did. =)

The afraid-of-heights.

XR loves taking photos...

I believe you...


Forced to take a picture with XR...

Just when you thought Seb is a male...

Later they came to my house...

XR playing with the lift...

She ended up alighting at the wrong level, just ask her...

What's this couple doing in the toilet???

Actually wanted to play golf, but then it rained,
so ended up watching Jackass 2.5... =P


nana said...

seems like a fun outing :)

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