FEAR 2: Project Origin was released on Febuary, 11 2009. The storyline starts 30-minutes before the nuclear end of the first FEAR game. The game is powered by the LithTech engine, although still DX9, but it incorporates new features such as Havok Physics, per-pixel lighting, particle effect systems, HDR, post-processing & motion blur etc. In the following review (extracted from PConline), we shall find out how it performs on the latest graphics cards.
Test Platform
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 @ 2.33Ghz
Gigabyte X48
Apacer DDR2-1066 5-5-5-15 2x1GB
Seagate 7200.10 SATA 500Gb
Nvidia GeForce 9600GSO (650/1400Mhz)
Nvidia GeForce 9600GT (650/1800MHz)
Nvidia GeForce 9800GT (600/1800MHz)
Nvidia GeForce 9800GTX+ (738/2200MHz)
Nvidia GeForce GTX260 (576/1998MHz)
AMD Radeon HD4670 (750/2000MHz)
AMD Radeon HD4830 (575/1800MHz)
AMD Radeon HD4850 (625/2000MHz)
AMD Radeon HD4870 (750/3600MHz)
Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
Forceware 182.06 / Catalyst 9.2

There is no option for GTX260 to run the game at 1440x900.

1680x1050 4xAA
Project Orignal seems to be less demanding to the system than its previous releases, even lower end graphics cards like HD4670 and 9600GSO are able to handle the game with maximum graphics details, scoring above 50fps.

1920x1200 4xAA
HD4870 512MB dominates this game at every resolution. While on the mainstream side, HD4670 512MB & 9600GSO 256MB manage to chink out playable frame rates, even at this high resolution with anti-aliasing turned on.
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